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July 17, 2006



Dear John

Thank you - this is a powerful message and challenge. I am going to try it this week and I am believing God for a miracle because I am in Goshen where he has placed me. He is getting rid of my slave mentality. Thank you and God bless you.


Dr J

Speaking of Moses, I am reminded of the mana case -where God provided what was enough for that day only and forbode any to be kept for the next day. The Bible also encourages us not to worry for tommorow.
I am led to believe that we break the process of abundance because we budget part of what we got today for tommorow yet there are still unmet needs for today which what we set aside for tommorow could fulfil (maybe not our own need but someone elses). Could it be that we hinder God from giving us more because in our own understanding "we got it covered" so we stop expecting?


Hi, John.
Thanks for your generosity in sharing your wisdom, insight and writing ability with everyone. I am truly thankful for the gift of your words in my life right now. I agree in my head with everything you say but I have a question: what am I doing/not doing to cause me not to see His abundance for literal, real-life needs, such as rent? He does provide, so it must be something in me that is blocking His flow. This month, I chose to tithe over the rent (had the money for rent but when took tithe out, didn't leave enough left). It worked out bc my landlord is willing to wait till the end of the month for my disability check, but I wondered why it doesn't manifest earlier? Everything else has been provided for me, right on time, and in just enough amounts (food for my kids, electricity, etc.). Also, what about things like: school clothes, school supplies, school fees? Shouldn't those also be things I can expect His provision for,when they come to more financially than what I bring in? Thanks. I am asking Him for help in believing because sometimes it feels as if I just can't "get it" with the abundance mindset.

John Stanko

Hi Donna,

On one hand, you state that God provides, but then you lament that he doesn’t provide sooner or earlier than you really need what you need. This is the point: When you need it, you will have it—not a moment earlier or later. Again, consider the animals I referred to in my article. Do you think they kill an animal and store it? No, when they need it, God provides it, they eat it, go sleep and then come back for another meal when they are hungry.

Your response is full of stories of how God provided abundantly when you needed and not before. So you could embark on a strategy of creating the needs so that God will provide. I know, some would say isn’t that testing God? And I would respond that he says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it (Malachi 3:9-11).

I think you are waiting for the provision before you make your moves to get what you need. I move to get what I need and the provision comes. It requires courage, but more often than not God has met me right where my need is with abundance--all that I need, no more, no less.

I hope this helps. I think you are already living a lifestyle of abundance. You may just to see it from a different perspective.


John Stanko


Good insight on the abundance and provision issue. Yes, I think we do try to help God and consequently hinder what he could do for us. I do quite often because, honestly, I am afraid that he won’t provide in a way that I require or in a timely fashion.

I had a friend once who went to the airport without money or a ticket to go someplace that God wanted him to go. God provided! He also had me go the airport once with 20 boxes and had me ask the airlines to transport it free of charge. You know what? They did! I was shocked!

At any rate, thanks for your insight. It is spot-on.

In Him,


Jane Asava

Dear Brother,
I have been greatly blessed by your insights into what God would want of us as his children to become.May he strengthen you as you continue to do that which he has called you to do.

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