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July 23, 2006


Timothy Carpenter

Thanks again for the wonderful insight! I was just talking with one of my member about what is perceived as "normal". You memo was a timely confirmation. Are prayers are continously with you and yours...


hi, i've just read your memo this morning and agree with what you say about us thinking of other people approval. i was reading who moved my cheese last night which basically describes how some of us react to change. one of the characters in the book did not want to know that change had come and refused to move on; his friend was also scared of trying to go else where and try something new because of what he might come up against but finally he made up his mind to try it out.
we too should wake up and do that which we want to do and not let people or what ever adversity hinder us.


I truly appreciate the Monday Memo, even if I seldom write back. After reading this latest one, though, I had to. You see, I am just back from Taiwan and Malaysia, where I went for conferences on Music education, which is my career. The point I want to make is that my University could not give me any financial support, nor did it even assure me of any refunds for my expenses. It really was a tall order to fund that trip, and I took some risky decisions.

I am back, and what I learned and the people I met are worth the test of faith it took. Some thought it quirky, but I chose to take the positive words of a few very special people in my life. I believe the trips were a part of my life purpose, and I am convinced God was in it through and through, and that is what matters.


thank you Dr. Stanko for this message today

this, like most of the messages you send are right on point...


Dear John iam from Kenya and since the day i started reading monday memos i have always had my tummy turning. well the latest is not any different. I have always wanted to be like someone else but i am happy thet i can be quirky without feeling anything.I BLESS GOD BECAUSE OF YOU!


Thanks for your Monday memo today.

Thank you for reminding me that we do not have to be ‘Normal” and should not be afraid to wear that bright orange shirt or blouse or dress !! Thank you for reminding me to stop having normalcy has my goal in life and be quirky and have a better chance being pursposeful

Thanks and God Bless

The Mommy Blawger

Thank you... this is one of your best Monday Memos.

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