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August 20, 2006



Last year when we celebrated failure I decided to celebrate the fact that I had not managed my finances well and needed to pay off my university fees.Acknowledging my failure helped me review my budget and by the end of the year I had paid off all my fees and left university debt free. It is reasuring to know that I can turn my failure around. God did it for me last year and He will do it again this year. Thank you Dr John for reminding me that, it doesnt matter how many times we fall, as long as we get up again.


Since i subscribed to your monday memos i have learnt alot and my life has changed. I was particularly touched by your 260th memo which came at the right time as i had just failed an exam and i was disappointed. I was however encouraged not to give up and i am energised to resit the exams and i am trusting God for success.

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