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November 12, 2006



Hi John!

Meeting you in the PurposeQuest workshop in Kenya - Naivasha was a life-changing experience!

I am glad that this week you are revising the "questions" which I find pertinent in shaping anyone's life. You will be excited to know that I shared these questions in a reflection with members of my Weekly Fellowship Group and it was a glorious moment! After that the Group requested me to be their main speaker in a whole day Retreat - which was also meant to rebuild broken bridges - we were all blessed!! - Thanks for your very resourceful literature.

At a personal level I have found the questions very useful - especially in my justice and peacebuilding work whenever I ask myself the questions - " What makes you cry? What makes you angry?" - I seem to make headways/decision making even in complicated situations. The new questions "Who am I willing to serve? For what am I willing to suffer?" are yet another insight. Some food for thought for me is the question - What would you do with your time if you had all the money you needed? combined with For what am I willing to suffer?". I think there lies a challenge especially as one thinks of "survival" and "calling/purpose". It is my prayer that my "calling/purpose" is not compromised by "survival" and vice-versa! Kindly share your thought on this one.


That is the perhaps the hardest issue for people—“I need to work and pay bills. How can I combine my purpose and work?”

It all starts with identifying what your purpose is and being clear. Until then, everything is speculation as to how it will work out. When you discover purpose, God helps you work it out because He wants you to fulfill your purpose even more than you do.

The other aspect is found in the example of the Apostle Paul. He was a tentmaker to make money, but he never referred to himself in any of his letters as a tentmaker. He referred to himself by his purpose, which was to take the gospel to the Gentiles. Don’t take your identify from what you do to make money, but rather what you do to fulfill your purpose. Don’t let money define you.

I hope this helps.

My best to everyone at CRS.

In Him,

Dr. J

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