Greetings from Zimbabwe! I arrived safely yesterday afternoon along with my luggage. It's always great when we arrive at the same time. I already had a nice surprise when some friends arranged to take me to a local production of Handel's The Messiah. It wasn't the rendition I heard two years ago at London's Prince Albert Hall, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well the 50-voice choir did along with a soloist and organist from South Africa. I am glad I went and I commend them for using what they had to bless their community. It was an outstanding performance.
This is my fourth trip to Zimbabwe this year and I was thinking about that on my way over on the plane. One tends to think about a lot of things when one is on a plane for 20 hours flying time from New York to Amsterdam to Johannesburg to Harare. The main reason that I come to Zimbabwe is that God wants me here; it's part of my purpose. And that is what I want to talk to you about this week.
I wish some of the good things that happen for me here would happen back home. The simple fact is that they don't. I got an email today from a woman in Angola who is flying to see me in Johannesburg when I am there next week. I have trouble getting people to come across the street to see me in the States, but people here are willing to cross national boundaries to hear what I have to say about purpose.
Why doesn't this happen in the States? If it did, I wouldn't be here, would I? Purpose isn't just about what God wants you to do, but where he wants you to do it. It's what I call geographic purpose or righteousness. It would not be possible for me to be righteous--in right standing with God--in the United States if God wants me in Africa, no matter how many good things I was doing in the States. The same is true for you.
It's not enough to know your purpose. You must also know where it is you can best express that purpose. I have brought many people to Africa with me over the years, and they have all been blessed. I have seen some sing here, for example, and been popular. When they go home, they aren't so popular and sometimes get an attitude about the people back home.
When they ask me about that, this is what I tell them: "You were so well received here when you sang because God was showing you where He wants you to sing. To go home and expect the same reception isn't realistic. The question therefore, isn't why doors won't open for you there. The real question is when are you coming back here?" Not everyone is pleased with my answer.
You may be thinking, "So are you telling me I have to move to Africa?" I am not. What I am telling you is that you must stop fighting where you are most effective and purposeful. If you sing in prisons and get invitations to come back, for example, stop trying to launch a singing career anyplace except prison, at least for now. If you write and children want to read what you write, abandon the adult market for now and write for children. If you speak and urban poor receive what you have to say, then it's time to focus on the poor.
God is for you in your PurposeQuest. He wants you to fulfill your purpose more than you do; that's why He created you and why you're still here--you have something to do that only you can do. God will make it obvious although not easy for you to express your purpose.
While I am not saying you must come to Africa, I am not ruling out that possibility, without limiting your focus to Africa. Consider Mother Teresa. She was Albanian and God sent her to India. Would she have been the woman of purpose back home that she was in India? Absolutely not. The same is true for you. I'm sorry, that may not be what you want to hear today.
I am sitting in my guest house as I write, jet lagged and facing a busy three weeks in southern Africa. I am here in faith; God will provide for me in many wonderful and surprising ways. As I write, I have a sense that this is where I need to be without any question. In other words, I have peace. Do you?
I have felt for many years that I am in Africa because others were asked to come and didn't. Do you realize how many anointed servants of God I flew over yesterday on my twenty-hour trip? I think many of those servants at one time or another said, "I'd like to go to Africa one day." Perhaps you are one of them. The difference between them and me is that I came; I'm not sure whether all have come who were invited.
Has God shown you where you can be most effective? Are you scared? Doubting? Worried about how it will all work out? If you are, join the club! Don't let any of those thoughts, however, keep you any longer from embracing your destiny. It's important to not only know what you are to do, but where you are to do it. I know if you open your heart to this truth, God will show you where it is. Have a great week!
Feel free to write your comments to this Memo on the site where it is posted.
1. Here is my schedule for the rest of the year. Write me if you would like to schedule a one-on-one purpose session in one of these cities. I will also be speaking at both morning services (8 am and 10:30 am) at Celebration Church (formerly Hear the Word) on Sunday, December 3 and December 17.
- November 26-December 6 -- Harare, Zimbabwe
- December 7-10 -- Johannesburg, South Africa
- December 11-14 -- Lusaka, Zambia
- December 15-18 -- Harare, Zimbabwe
- December 19-23 -- Pittsburgh, PA USA
What's more, on Saturday, December 9 I am going to be with Glen McQuirk, author of the Map 4 Life purpose diary, and his purpose club in Pretoria. Please write for more information if you would like to attend that session. I will also be speaking at Celebration Church Johannesburg on Sunday, December 10.
Loved your Monday Memo, as usual. You write with clarity and conviction. And you make me think. Here's my one question after your post-thanksgiving memo: why wouldn't YOU move to Africa if that's where you are most effective "and people might not walk across the street to see me in the states"? Couldn't Africa be YOUR geographical calling?
Keep up the good work. Praying for you over the next three weeks you are there!
In His Goodness,
Posted by: randy marshall | November 27, 2006 at 06:42 AM
This monday memo has challenged me to think not only about my purpose, but where God has called me to fulfill it!
I feel inspired to seek God and find out! This post has been a great encouragement to me!
God Bless!
Matthew Brooks
Posted by: Matthew Brooks | November 27, 2006 at 10:04 AM
Hi John and Fellow Memotians!
This is one of your most thought-provoking memos - at least for me, as far as my ministry of Dramatizing the Apostle Paul is concerned.
There are definitely some ministry opportunities that are gloriously anointed, and which powerfully impact the lives of those in the audience. Then there are others which seem to simply "bless the saints", without anything of significance happening and I wonder if I'm anything more than this week's Christian entertainment.
I'll be spending two weeks dramatizing Paul in the schools of Hong Kong in February, at the invitation of Hong Kong Youth For Christ and some missionary friends. If that turns out to be a fruitful and well-received mission field for my efforts, I'll have to do some more pondering of the points you have made in this memo.
Posted by: Rob Moritz | November 27, 2006 at 04:25 PM
I say "ditto" defining this memo as "thought provoking." I marvel at your traveling scedule. Thank you for your encouraging words in the memos I read. I traveled to the Philippines last February for the first time to visit a family there I know. I couldn't imagine flying those long hours often like you do. But I love the humble people I met in the developing world. If I had a contributing purpose to move to one of those countries I know I would find a way. You got me thinking....I will pray. Please pray for us who don't have a clear purpose yet other than escaping from this somewhat chilly society.
Posted by: Jerry Hessel | November 29, 2006 at 12:41 PM