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November 26, 2006


randy marshall


Loved your Monday Memo, as usual. You write with clarity and conviction. And you make me think. Here's my one question after your post-thanksgiving memo: why wouldn't YOU move to Africa if that's where you are most effective "and people might not walk across the street to see me in the states"? Couldn't Africa be YOUR geographical calling?

Keep up the good work. Praying for you over the next three weeks you are there!

In His Goodness,


Matthew Brooks

This monday memo has challenged me to think not only about my purpose, but where God has called me to fulfill it!

I feel inspired to seek God and find out! This post has been a great encouragement to me!

God Bless!

Matthew Brooks

Rob Moritz

Hi John and Fellow Memotians!

This is one of your most thought-provoking memos - at least for me, as far as my ministry of Dramatizing the Apostle Paul is concerned.

There are definitely some ministry opportunities that are gloriously anointed, and which powerfully impact the lives of those in the audience. Then there are others which seem to simply "bless the saints", without anything of significance happening and I wonder if I'm anything more than this week's Christian entertainment.

I'll be spending two weeks dramatizing Paul in the schools of Hong Kong in February, at the invitation of Hong Kong Youth For Christ and some missionary friends. If that turns out to be a fruitful and well-received mission field for my efforts, I'll have to do some more pondering of the points you have made in this memo.

Jerry Hessel

I say "ditto" defining this memo as "thought provoking." I marvel at your traveling scedule. Thank you for your encouraging words in the memos I read. I traveled to the Philippines last February for the first time to visit a family there I know. I couldn't imagine flying those long hours often like you do. But I love the humble people I met in the developing world. If I had a contributing purpose to move to one of those countries I know I would find a way. You got me thinking....I will pray. Please pray for us who don't have a clear purpose yet other than escaping from this somewhat chilly society.

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