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January 14, 2007


kenny champion

Fear. That will do us all in. I have battled with the money thing all of my life. I've "put the cart before the horse" so to speak. Growing up in a fundamentalist church, somehow i "understood" things will "just work out" if you're in this mysterious thing called God's WILL. Hence, when there was The Pain, i gave in... thinking, oh this must NOT be "from God". This memo has helped me find more direction and Clearity on the Money and Fear issue, understanding that the "pain" even in the midst of the Joy, is necessary. Thanx JohnStanko !! Praying for all of those out there that struggle with these things as well.

Pete Caputo

Hey John,
I've been working on my vision by writing a new book called "jammin' with God / a Christian musician's perspective"

The first six chapters are up on my site: www.petecaputo.com

I hope you get a chance to check it out, so you can see how your ministry has helped me to push onward.
God Bless,

Pete Caputo

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