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January 29, 2007



Hi Dr Stanko

Thank you so much for this message. It has been such a blessing.

Have a great week!!!


Calvary greetings to you and compliments on your work. God will bless you.
My regards and many thanks.


Hi Stanko,

I am glad to have the privilege of receiving such encouragement and guidance from you. Thanks so much for allowing God to use you in such a tremendous way.

I have actually been getting agitated by the fact that I am not making money as I think I should be making in my business. It's not doing very well although I am getting some money to help me meet my daily financial needs.

The bills are the problem. The business can't pay its own bills. I have a lot to do daily with the money that I am not able to get enough to save for the bills.

Now, having heard about how I can enjoy every day by choice is something I have to do. I pray the God will help me meet that condition.

May the LORD bless you greatly for the work you are doing. May He take great care of you and meet every need that you have all the days of your life and May HE cause His face to shine on you.


This is really timely for me. I recently got a promotion and spent the month of December celebrating it. I have a position of influence to do what I always wanted. Then the demands started coming, the responsibility began to bear on me and now I get home so tired and disconnected that I wonder why I was celebrating the promotion at all. I pray that that those words "I thought this was what you wanted to do?" will lead me back to a state of joy and thankfulness to God for this opportunity I have and that I will not let the details get me down. Thanks again


Dear Dr Stanko,

Thank you so much for your motivational emails, the messages in them are usually so timely. May our God Lord continue to shine his light upon your life and your work.


Thanks for this memo. Have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacist then this year, I have been posted to a district hospital as one. I was feeling inadequate but this has encouraged me to take up the position.


Thank you for the Monday Memo. Last week l wrote to you with a problem l was having and how your teaching have impacted my life. In this week's memo, you answered my question without even realising it, my answer was right there.
l wish you all the best in your travel


good day john,

how are you?

Thank-you for this message below. It really hit the nail on the head. I realised how I was letting petty things such as fear, attitude and personality clashes get in the way of my job of which I enjoy doing. Its was also shocked to realise how much time and effort I wasted and also how little I accomplished because of all these things. I also realized that I had held back on many areas as well.

Once again thank you for your messages they are very helpful and don't stop what you are doing.


I am a new subscriber to the Monday Memo. I attended the Advancing the Kingdom Conference in Columbus,OH in 2004. You mentioned the Memo in your session on "Appointing the Anointed." It jarred my memory along with your sermon "Do the Unexpected". The memo "Enjoy the Ride" is just what I needed. I am a pastor and have been really struggling to enjoy the call and purpose on my life. Thanks for the encouraging word. May God continue to bless and prosper your work.


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