Did you ever feel like you were facing insurmountable odds as you work to fulfill your purpose? Do you feel like you are facing an uphill climb to do God's will? If so, you are not alone. Not only are there plenty of people today who feel what you feel, but there were some in the past who did as well.
One such person was Jonathan, Saul's son and David's friend. While everyone around him felt stifled by their obstacles and opposition, Jonathan decided to do something about it. His story is found in 1 Samuel 13:20-14:23. You may want to read those verses again before you proceed with the rest of this Memo.
It is interesting that while Saul's army was pretending to fight, Jonathan decided to engage the enemy. The army daily went through the motions of fighting, yet they never did anything. That reminds me of the Church today. We often go through maneuvers, but we don't help people attack their real enemies of fear, laziness and lack of faith.
Once Jonathan decided to fight the Philistines, he faced formidable odds. There were only two of them (Jonathan and his armor bearer) against a whole Philistine army. They only had one sword between them, and they had to scale two large cliffs with names. A cliff has to be significant to have a name and both of this cliffs had them, so they must have been foreboding.
When Jonathan decided to climb up, the Lord didn't carry Him in the "shadow of his wings." Jonathan had to climb up using his hands and feet. Maybe he got dirt under his fingernails. His armor bearer probably got a mouthful of dirt as he climbed up behind Jonathan.
They made it to the top of the cliffs, however, and the Philistines were surprised to see them. They were so surprised that Jonathan and his side kick had a serious competitive advantage, and that advantage was courage.
What can you learn from this story of courageous action in the face of difficulty?
Jonathan came to the right conclusion as he considered whether or not to climb his mountain. He voiced it when he said, "Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few" (1 Samuel 14:6).
Jonathan didn't let his circumstances prevent him from taking action. He was looking for some sign, any sign to attack rather than any sign why he should not attack. Is your attitude the same as Jonathan's? Are you looking for any sign to indicate that you should take action? Or are you waiting for conditions to be just right before you take your first steps?
There is only one way to get on top of your situation and that is to climb up there from where you are. You can't wish your cliffs away or rebuke them. Nor can you conclude that mountains in your way are not God's will. Usually, they are. Climbing them will only make your purpose and productivity more special and memorable.
So where can you apply the lessons of Jonathan and his armor bearer this week? What cliffs are you facing? When will you start climbing? What is at the top that is worth the climb? Jonathan succeeded one step at a time and God helped him, even though He was greatly outnumbered. Rest assured that God will help you in the same way, but you must first start climbing. Don't put it off another day. It's time to move on up to the high place that God has for you. Have a great week!
I just want to say thank you so much for your daily encouragement. To tell the truth i just started last week reading your mail, it when i felt so much discouraged because it was just like everything was against me. i decided to get into your mail u usually sent me and my brother i gained confidence. Today am in ther internet cafe and u are encouraging me about facing and climbing my moutain like what Jonathan did.
Posted by: Caroline | February 06, 2007 at 08:03 AM
thank you Dr John that has really inspired me.
Posted by: Ron | February 06, 2007 at 02:36 PM
Dear Dr Stanko
Thank you so much for this Monday Memo 283; Climb Your Mountain. It has really been a blessing and I really needed the encouragement.
Thank you so much. Please keep up the good work and may God continue to multiply and shower you with His blessings.
Posted by: Audrey | February 09, 2007 at 02:36 AM
Dear Dr Stanko
Many thanks for the words of the monday memo.
I will be definately, be engaging in activities which will result in me climbing my mountain like Jonothan.
God Bless.
Posted by: sophia fenton | February 12, 2007 at 12:00 PM
Dr. Stanko,
Thank you so much for the Monday Memo 'What are you wearing right now'. I always find that when i am going through a personal dilema, you always send a 'now word'. I have been fulfilling others expectations and vision of who i am and who i should be. Now that i am fulfilling the plans and intent that God has for me, i find it amazing as to how people will constantly try to get me to fulfil their dream and visions as opposoed to what God has mandated for my life, via garments of disguise. However i relaise that in wearing their garments i am building a reputation but destroying my true character, dreams and vision.
Posted by: Audrey Harvey | February 19, 2007 at 12:59 PM
I appreciate your contribution to the house hold of faith
Posted by: Sunday Jayeola | February 20, 2007 at 11:43 AM
Dr. Stanko i wanted to greet you. i am moureen sudi from Deliverance church Eldoret Kenya wanted to share more with you together with your monday memo, and as well am a teacher at rapha education centre.
Posted by: moureen Sudi | March 04, 2008 at 10:29 AM
well.. it's like I thought!
Posted by: Sexo Maspalomas | October 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM