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May 27, 2007



hey Dr J

just to say thank you, thank God for you, for taking the time to mail and encourage us.thank you, for going ahead to show excellence and commitment when you could have done otherwise.

we had a girls sleep over on staurday, and we spoke about excellence.its amazing how we as christians wait for someone to take the lead in displaying excellence before we get 'challenged' to do the same.i make a commitment to display excellence in all i do, even if everything in me says otherwise.thank you for the challenge Dr J, and thank you for taking time to build me/us.God bless and increase you.

we may have a standard of excellence, but we now live lifestyles of excellence.you never know who is watchin, and learning from you.

God bless


Glenn Marble

Hi John,

Enjoyed your memo about the definition of excellence. In my career as an analyst and programmer, I have always made perfection my goal. The perfect program performs the correct actions on the correct data at the correct time. But I have come to accept the fact that, as an imperfect person, I will create imperfect programs - the first time. But my attitude toward my work does not permit me to leave my work in an imperfect state. One advantage programmers have is that they can go back and improve their work again and again until it really does approach perfection.

I like to use the slogan from GMC trucks, "We are professional grade." My work may not always be perfect, but my standards require excellence as the mark of a professional.

Abigail W. Kofete

Dr. Stanko...as always, I thank God for you and how our paths have crossed over the past few years. You have been a bigger blessing to me than you'll ever know. I also enjoyed your memo today about excellence. Like many, I've known that I need to start an exercise routine, but today was my day to start. I am so proud of myself and motivated, because - like you, I didn't want to do it, but I've made a committment and I must honor it. I always try to keep in mind one of my favorite quotes from Aristotle: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit"

Continue in the habit of excellence...God Bless!

Tanya, Cathedral of Life Christian Assembly

Hello Dr. Stanko, I wanted to take a moment to respond to this Monday Memo as it speaks to me on two levels. First I am utterly exhausted like I have never been in my life. I guess shifting my priorties so that I can walk in my purpose while doing everything else (for now) will do that :). I truly believe in doing everything with excellence! This week my daughter, Symone (9), will reap a harvest in this area as she has caught the "excellence principle" She has been called to come minister in dance in Orlando, FL (we fly out this Friday). She has also been invited to come perform in the Chocolate Nutcracker in Orlando, St. Petersburg and Ohio, Winter 2007 (her first paid professional performance). I believe this door has opened up for her because of the anointing of the Lord that is upon her and because she tries to dance as unto the Lord and not as unto men. Whether she dances in front of a church or others she knows she must glorify God and do her very best. I am so pleased that at this age she is learning that the Word of God is true.

Thank you for sowing seed on fertile ground.

God Bless,


Kudzai Mapingire

Dr John,it is always pleasurable to hear from.Thank you very much for encouraging us on striving for the best for what wed do.You have always been the "salt" to the world,adding taste and preserving it from decadence.Thank you for being with us during our annual Action Conference, in Harare Zimbabwe.

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