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June 24, 2007




I look at this Memo and I can't help but think of my wife, Sandy. When we first pastored (1978-1993) in Fayetteville,Georgia, Sandy spoke only twice in the entire 15 years. Not because I did not want her to speak, but the grace was on her to concentrate on something else. When we arrived in Buffalo, Texas, there was not only an opportunity but a mandate to speak to a group of women each week. She also started to address the congregation occasionally but the end result is a world wide teaching ministry. There is a lot to be said of preparation and also finding what type of speaker you really want to be. It took me a couple of years before I found my comfort zone of speaking and in the end it was a hybrid style of two mentors of mine. Great memo as usual. Have a great time back in the states.



I am a new member of the Celebration Church family in Harare. Your message about speaking... you have no idea what it has just done to me! I'll tell you one day!!!


Wow!I wish you knew what this revealing message has done to me.It has soothed my inner desire to speak.Many regard me as a candid speaker but with noone to speak to I have found myself pondering over and over when I will ever be accorded an opportunity to speak.Indeed it came once when Pastor Tom took me to Zambia with fellow businessmen.I realised my burning desire was not able to be quenched as there was a time limit factor;but through your message Iam confident my day and season to be speaking before kings is near.

Brian Francis Hume

This posting is exactly what I needed to hear today! Several years ago the Lord had me lay down public ministry in order to allow Him to do a deeper work in my own life. Recently the Lord released me to preach and minister as the main speaker at a retreat back in April. It was awesome! Yet, I am still waiting for more opportunities to minister! I’m uncertain as to the balance between seeking out opportunities and waiting on the Lord to open the doors in a sovereign manner. Regardless, your story has reminded me of the importance of preparation in the waiting season. Just this morning I was contemplating upon this very issue. Thank you for sharing your story!

kwame -london dominion centre

many thanks for the wisdom you give,very insightful may God bless you...memo 302 has encouraged me


In the sport of archery as one aims toward the target a very interesting action takes place. The bow is in the hands of the Archer who knows what the target is. The target is in sight, the arrow is lined up, the bow is aligned into position with the target and - the arrow is pulled AWAY FROM THE TARGET before it is launched.

What is also interesting to note is that it is in this DRAWING AWAY FROM the target that the energy is stored up to launch the arrow to the target goal.

As we engage more and more our identity and purpose in Him our ‘target’ becomes better defined. In my life it was in that drawing away from my target that selfish, prideful attitudes were dealt with, humility learned and the learning process was perfected and purified.

We must be aware that this drawing away time of preparation is for the imparting of the power necessary to reach our target.

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