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June 17, 2007


Matthew Brooks

This Monday Memo is inspiring!

I feel like i have so much to do and a lot that God has placed the desire in me to do but it often seems impossible!

I can now focus on what i'm supposed to do and let God work out how it's gonna happen! I just have to leave myself open and also be prepared for when He is ready to walk me through the path of HOW to my destination!

Thanks for another great Monday Memo Dr. Stanko!

God Bless!

Matt Brooks


Dear John,

I want to agree with you.I am completing my degree in September 2007 which i started not knowing how the money would be paid.By God's grace the money will be paid in full.


Nicholas Korir

This memo has really answered a puzzle that I have had for a long time now. Every time I have had a big project, the means to realise it have come along as I immersed myself in it and not before. Thanks for a great memo.

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