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July 15, 2007


Rob Moritz

Hi John!
Sounds like a great time, and I hope you have a terrific cruise.

John, unlike your trips to Africa, a cruise to Alaska sounds like an ideal opportunity to take your wife with you on an event. Did she get to come with you?

My wife Danielle has been wondering why your wife is rarely mentioned in your blogs, and how she copes with your being gone most of the time. I've told her what a great guy you are, but she continues to be concerned about the welfare of your wife. There may be other women wondering the same. If you like, feel free to share something on your blog or you can reach her through my email address.

We did Alaska a couple years ago with Princess, and agree that it's a truly enjoyable cruise. Have a wonderful week! Rob


Hi Dr J,
Im glad you are having a wonderful time over at the Oosterdam. Your ministry has spoken into my situations so many times, and my determination for living a life that counts has only increased everytime I read your articles. A few weeks ago I believe the Lord led me to apply for a job at an International airline as my next mission field since He has called me to missionary work. My only problem is that the job is very well paying in my standards and I have been afraid that such an assignment would be too good to be true from the Lord for me. I had no idea how I doubted His goodness till this opportunity arose. I have been fasting for 3 weeks now and I dont know where to let God now because the airline is calling successful applicants for interviews starting this week. Please pray with me and guide in whichever way you can because I really feel this is a calling from the Lord. Thanks and God bless you.


Hi Dr John

This memo was awesome,it ministered to me on a very personal level but I have just one Question at times when I'm being upfront with God through asking him Questions I vent out a lot of (real) emotions....is it okay to to that.Its only yesterday that I was crying and saying to God I was frustrated about a situation. Is it okay to do that?

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