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July 22, 2007



Again you rattle the cages of the status quo?!!!

Accolades and a rousing ovation and the sound of a quiet - paper only offering in support of this post. Why Christians check their brain at the door when they say "I do" to Christ is beyond me!

I stand guilty on all three counts to various stages of the aforementioned behaviors. In the Toastmasters International public speaking training organization they have someone assigned as an 'AH' counter to help each other be aware of the distracting verbal 'burps' we do in public speaking. Why not in church too? I recognize that prayer is toward Heaven but if we pray out loud others hear us and they should be edified and not distracted by the words we say in our prayers. Perhaps our insecurity, our false humility or even our pride prevents the openness in relationship you call for?

Thank you for pointing out the blind spots of our behaviors in an effort to help us mature in our faith!

May God continue to give you insight in Him and provide an ever growing audience that will not just listen to what you say - but actually apply it in our lives as well!

Emmanuel Okello

I think waiting on God does not necessarily mean doing nothing. When you go into a restaurant, and a waiter "waits on you", I don't think it means (she) just sits or stands there and do nothing. To me it sound more like you try to do what is pleasing to HIM.

Regarding your comments about false humility, I think it would be wise to acknowledge that without God's help, we can do nothing.

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