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July 29, 2007


Brian Francis Hume

It seems that this idea of deviance has picked up steam in recent years when Dr. Pascale and Jerry Sternin co-authored an article in the May, 2005 issue of Harvard Business Review that is worth reading: “Your Company’s Secret Change Agent.” They exhort readers to look on the periphery of every organization to find people who are getting the job done with astounding results while others continue to make excuses even though they have the same resources. They coined these workers as “positive deviants”—these deviants embody the necessary solution that needs to be implemented on a whole-scale level. I even wrote a paper on this concept within the context of the church.

Also I like Lou Tice’s emphasis on self-efficacy, which I myself have found extremely useful in teaching on leadership. I have come across this concept in quite a few of Lou’s writings. Surprisingly it is given little attention (in my estimation) within leadership thought as a whole. I think it will serve you well, especially as a Purpose Coach to study this further and implement it within your core conceptual framework.

Keep up the great work Dr. Stanko! Your writings have been a source of tremendous blessing in my life during the past few years. Thank you!

Cleophas Wanyonyi

I want to agree more with you on both memos; becoming a deviant and the fat duck.

It takes deviance to get things going as I have experienced in my responsibilities that settling for the ordinary gets one stagnant and that it is easier asking for forgiveness than getting permission to start.

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