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June 01, 2008



Good word on this Monday' Memo. I love your statement, "You need to change your mind if you are going to change yourself." Jesus calls it repentance. We'll never change ourselves if we don't repent (change our mind). The Kingdom within will never be realized without it, thus Jesus' statement, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Walter Bosire

You have been so instrumental with your teaching to my life.You have opened my eyes the moment i read your newsletters. you are blessing to my life keep it up my mentor,pastor and teacher.

NJENGA rowland

I first and last met you in Nairobi mid 2006, I had earlier communed with you, hope you can recall, you may if you visit my website above. I am writting from my hospital bed after a car crash, and yes, you're still sound to mentor me out of my current pit. God really abundantly bless your mission and ministry.

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