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June 08, 2008



He Will Cause Your Thoughts - I have a dream that I cannot let go of. A vision for downtown San Antonio. I am convinced this vision comes from God. I hesitate to move forward because of fear and because it feels like I am still alone in this vision right now. Where do I go from here?


When you're faced with a Dream that you can't let go of, then You're Answering your Own Question. You may "feel" alone, because you need HELP with the FOLLOW THRU. Artists, Visionaries, and Creative people alike, often get the "idea", "vision" or "dream" quickly, it's the FOLLOW THRU, the Starting of IT, that's the most "difficult." i think you NEED to DO the "Next Right Thing." You will find doors and avenues open up, but you gotta starting walking thru the water to have the "Red Sea" of you Dream OPEN UP. Remember the "hard part" of This Memo, you Can Not Doubt. =) Stanko said it, "When you ask for wisdom, God will give it to you. There is only one catch: you cannot doubt or you will receive nothing."

David Avilla

John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." This is one of the most challenging opportunities presented to us as disciples of Jesus! What attitudes and postures of our hearts position us to hear His voice and then respond? I heard someone put it this way: Vision clear, Values certain, Vents open. Be seeking a clear vision of what God is leading into, pursue values that are the highest and the best to which you can aspire, and keep your eyes and ears open so you can see the open doors and receive the directing impressions. Then expect that the Holy Spirit will lead you!

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