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March 22, 2009



Thank you so much for this article. It is exactly what the doctor ordered for me. I woke up feeling restless about my life because I had met some ex colleagues over the weekend and they seemed to be doing so well in their lives compared to me and I have been feeling inferior BUt after reading this I realise that I need to DEBUG.

Stephen Heiks

John, I appreciate this MMM very much. We have been in the "debugging" process for some time. Actually the training course we are in right now is part of that. We love removing those bugs from ourselves and others.

Ted Miller

John, Thanks for another great Monday Memo! I appreciate the weekly challenge.


Thank You so much for still sending me Monday Memos

May God Almighty pour His rich Blessings on you

Yours Faithfully,


Joe Sarria


an excellent memo!

thank you for your weekly coaching.

Joe Sarria


This is a word in season for me, thank you for your faithfulness to serving the Lord through the Monday Morning memo. I am so blessed by your heart for Zimbabwe, I am from there. It is so good to hear what your ministry is doing back home

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