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March 14, 2010



It is hard to stand, but I agree with you - it needs to be done. This is clearly a message I need now.
My ear caught Matt10:19-20 with is also an exhortation not to be afraid.

Thanks for this powerful MondayMemo!

Kathy Lovejoy

"So if you are facing extreme pressure and everything in you wants to quit, don't do it. Don't deny the truth of your situation, but don't deny God's power to overcome it."

I want to quit seeing doctors. I want to quit taking poison to be well. I want to quit my job. I want to quit being sick.

Disease is an economic terrorist too. There have been many, many times in the past 6 months where I couldn't make any decisions or choices...I could only stare and trust God. He put praise songs in my head while doctors talked and others took notes for me. Sometimes I can't think, plan, function, pray or even cry. These extreme pressures have felt like weakness and failure. Thank you Lord for holding up your child!

The floods pull me away. The Lord pulls me back.

I am learning much about His faithfulness through this miserable process. He Must be in it because He is taking care of all the details~!


Thanks for these memos. I have not been reading them regularly but I just made it a goal to read them from this point forward.

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