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August 15, 2010



Thank you so much for the profound Monday Memo.It really ministered to me.I know what has been pulling me down so badly.

God bless you for even allowing Him to use you to minister to us.


Praise God.

I was delighted to hear from you on Hope FM.

Please let me know how i proceed from here. I really need to enjoy my life more and be more fulfilled. Especially my career path.

May the good Lord abundantly bless you.

Pastor Charles

I appreciate the fact that God has called you to help people discover their purpose in life.I also appreciate my score at purposequest. This has helped me see where i stand as far as my purpose in life is concerned.Thank you also for your insightful sentiments on Hope FM, I learn t a great deal from you as well as Irene. Though we are not acquainted to each other, I hope the Lord will open a door one day for us to meet and get know one another at a personal level.I personally serve the Lord at a local church in Kitale. I really desire your help as far as my life purpose is concerned.God bless you and use you even more.Bye!


I listened to you on Hope Fm for the first time last night. Then today I visited your website and did the PQ assessment and was bronze. I also went to your Monday Memo and decided to take you up on the Challenge. I definitely need to work on those areas. I feel stuck. I quit my job because it was killing me inside and I felt that I wasn't in my purpose. So as I work on that I think that the challenge will really help me out. I also plan to attend the session you and Irene will be having at Red Court Hotel tomorrow.


Hi thanks for the results i am a 21 year old lady who is desperate to know God's purpose in my life and pursue it. I would really love to do the TLC profile to discover my purpose please help me.

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