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February 27, 2011


Sheena Freeman

Dear John
Thank you for your faithfulness in writing every week. It is one of the few that I ALWAYS open.

You asked for a definition of purpose. One of the oriental sages said that time is like a lotus, opening petal by petal. I think that purpose is similar. Our central purpose is like the heart of the flower, but it finds varying expressions at different times.

Through the years you have made me ponder a lot on purpose - especially my own. I finally decided it is to love and serve Almighty God and His creation. But this has been expressed differently through the decades and has included raising children, Bible distribution, intercession, fundraising, singing, worship, gardening, flower arranging, cleaning and mending church textiles, washing coffee cups, etc. Recently I have begun to think that listening actively, but silently, is a very important form of encouragement - especially to preachers - because several have commented on it. Most of us are ready to speak, but how often are we prepared to give our whole attention to listening to another soul? There is great need for this - especially to young and old. We need to listen with our eyes as well as our ears.

God has made each of us unique, so our purposes are unique, but I think the expression of our purpose can be similar as needs come to our attention. Your listening would probably be to help people clarify their purpose. Mine would likely be to help clarify their problems, teach how to cut them down to size and then help people to find their own solutions; or to define their desires/dreams and create a pathway to accomplish them.

Thus each of us is part of God's tailor-made vision to fulfil His purpose. May He bless you richly and grant you and your companions journey mercies.

Brian Pindayi

Dear John

The Monday Memo has provided me with profound and inspiring incites at crucial moments.

Its not easy to define purpose primarily because it is individually ascertained. I however think the following four defintions come close 1 Purpose is a God-given campus. 2 Purpose is an inexhaustible motivator.3
As a road signifies the best route possible for a vehicle, purpose signifies the best route possible for your life. 4 Life is a journey: purpose is the GPS.

Tim  Maloney


Congratulations on 10 years of writing the Monday Morning Memo!

I read it almost every week and what it has been done for me is to help clarify my purpose and get me thinking of what God wants me to do in my next phase in life. I have had a business for over 16 years now and have recently felt the Lord telling me He has something else for me to do.

During the last year I have been doing a lot of thinking and writing ideas that come to mind. I don't have anything concrete yet, but this process has re-energized me to do well with what I have, build my business to the next level and be prepared for an exciting future God has for me.

I think purpose can be defined as using your God given talents to make an impact on your family, community and world in a way that brings you and others joy and meaning.

Thanks for your wisdom and persistence in writing Monday Memo every week.

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