I am writing a quick Memo before I sign off, since I am at a home in Bomet, Kenya, using their wireless Internet. Last week, I wrote about David's directive to his son Solomon to be strong and take courage in building the Temple. Then earlier this past week, I was in Nairobi on the radio with two friends, Tina and Irene, and we were talking about courage. I was taking notes and looked down to realize that two words had the word 'courage' in them. One is discouraged and the other is encouraged. One is the presence of courage and the other is the absence of the same.
Which one of those states of being are you in right now?
David was discouraged one time when he and his men came back to camp, only to find it ransacked and their families taken captive. "David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters" (1 Samuel 30:6a). So what did David do? He took courage and that encouraged him! "But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God" (1 Samuel 30:6b).
David did not settle for discouragement. He made a decision to have courage and that moved him from discouragement to encouragement. If David was able to do that, you are able, too. Don't act like you are powerless to do anything about your discouragement. You can act and change your whole attitude and demeanor. So what will it be? Will you chooose dis- or en-couragement? Remember, courage is not the absence of fear but learning to act in the midst of fear. Have an encouraging week and I will write you again next week from home!
if you think so i try but i don't think that i can!
Posted by: jobs in writing | March 23, 2011 at 12:40 PM