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March 06, 2011


Elizabeth M

Dear John,

As you mark the 10th year anniversary of the Monday Memo, I commend you for your discipline and faithfulness. I have been receiving the Memo now for five years. I admire your tenacity in bringing us a word on purpose every week.

You have taught me that another definition for purpose is steadfastness: to keep going whether you feel like it or not.

I look forward to receiving the Monday Memo for many more years as the Lord wills. May He continue to establish the work of your hands.


Dear John
Thank you for the word of encouragement through courage above, even when we are discouraged and afraid. This was a timely message for me. I will move courageously encourage although currently discouraged and afraid. Vikki

ZM Tshuma

Dear John, I have been reading this e-mail for nine years and have learnt a lot from it. The latest one on encouragement finds me trying to get up and try to get all the encouragement I can. I will certainly go through the relevant scriptures and seek God for encoragement. Thanks for your messages, they have meant a lot to me in the years and happy annivesary!!! May the Lord keep you encouraged to continue doing this amazing work.Zweli

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