Happy New Year! I trust you and yours had a blessed holiday season. Ours were truly festive and we enter 2013 refreshed and ready for the year that lies ahead. The year starts for me teaching two classes I have never taught before; one of them is entitled, "Theology of Paul from Romans to Timothy." It was in preparing for this class that I saw something about Paul I had never noticed. I'm sure it's the first of many such insights as the class unfolds. Let me share this insight with you now.
When Paul was at the peak of his ministry, he felt led to go to Jerusalem:
“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace" (Acts 20:22-24).
When Paul arrived in Jerusalem, he found that many in the city were ambivalent about him and his ministry, so he made an effort to appease them by appearing in the Temple. This led to a near riot during which Paul was seized by the Roman guards to save his life. From there he went to Caesarea to stand trial and eventually appealed to Caesar, which took him to Rome, a place he had desired to visit at some point in time.
From the time that Paul arrived in Jerusalem until the end of the book of Acts when he was under house arrest in Rome took four years of Paul's life. At the time when Paul was most knowledgeable and experienced, when he could have continued traveling to strengthen the churches and disciples, God took Paul out of circulation for four years.
Why would God do this? I am not second guessing the Lord here, for He knew what He was doing during this period of Paul's life, But look at those four years from Paul's perspective. Here was a man who had done so much for so long and now he was forced to take a time out. During those years, his enemies were free to move into the churches he planted to distort Paul's gospel. Paul could do nothing but trust God and the people who had served his ministry to sort out the problems.
It was during these four years that Paul wrote what are known as his prison epistles -- Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. To write with the insight Paul had, he needed time to reflect on his message and think. He could not produce fresh material and do what he had been doing. God had him take some time off through a time out and the results were letters that still impact the world today. Paul had to let go of his today in order to embrace his tomorrow. Oh yes, and suffering played a big part in this four-year season of personal growth and development.
Maybe that's where you are. If God has used you, He may be giving you some time off in order to sharpen and freshen your perspective. It's hard to go from busy to empty, but those seasons can help define who you are and the legacy you will leave. Don't fight it, no matter how difficult it may be. Instead make the most of your time off from being in charge and busy. In sports, every time out ends with play being resumed, and the same will be true for you. Enjoy the season and have a great week!
NEW DAILY DEVOTIONAL: I have begun a new daily devotional for 2013 entitled "Purpose Pearls." The response to the first six has been strong. You can check it out here and then subscribe so that you don't miss a one.
KENYA REPORT: All is on course for my visit to Kenya on February 1. All I need is the money we need to bless the people while we are there. At this point, we have raised $12,000 of the $30,000 target for the trip, which will be used for food for orphans and widows, school supplies and renovations, and other special projects. Please help me this month raise the money needed to do what's in our heart to do for the people of Kenya. You can give online or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882.
PURPOSECOACH: I have resurrected my PurposeCoach program, but this time put it all online to make it easier and more streamlined for you. And for the month of January only, I am offering a special price of $99 for the program, which includes some listening, some reading and some connecting time with me. I am attaching a FAQ sheet concerning PurposeCoach, along with an enrollment application, below.
ISRAEL TRIP: I am returning to Israel this coming September. If would like to come along, let me know and I will send you the brochure.