I am in Kenya with 15 others for two weeks. I departed last Thursday and we arrived on Friday. I was so busy leading up to our departure that I did not have a moment to spare, since there were things I had to get done before I left the country. By God's grace, I got them all finished but reflected on what I have often said when asked how I can write and accomplish so many other things. You will have to read on to see my answer.
When asked about my productivity and how I can accomplish what I do, I used to answer, "It's because I travel." Some would not understand, since for them travel was a confusing time that upset their routine and caused them to be less productive. For me, however, the travel created deadlines that forced me to get things done.
When I was not traveling, I would often think when confronted with something I wanted to do, "I can get that done later or next week. That's going to take an hour and I can find an hour some time in the near future." I would procrastinate and wait for some other opportune moment to dive into the task or project. When I would travel, however, I did not have the luxury of waiting. I often had to get things done using every moment at my disposal to finish the work.
That's how it was last week. I had one task, for example, that I had put off all month. Last week I had one hour before I left for the airport. I forced myself to try and use that hour to start the project, convinced I did not have enough time. I started and finished the task, much to my surprise. Why? I had a ruthless deadline before me that had to be honored. I could not do the task in Kenya, so I was forced to sit down and do it.
I utilize ruthless deadlines when I publish. I will get a final, no-exceptions deadline from my publisher for my manuscript, and I have to get it done no matter what. Without honoring that deadline, I am not sure I would have the books I have. Every day last week, my to-do list was full and I used every moment. When I got on the plane last Thursday, I said to someone, "That's all I can do. I got it all done by God's grace."
I don't think I could live like I did last week all the time. There was too much pressure, too much making the most of every minute of the day. That's not how God would want me to live. Yet there are times when I have to live that way, or else I would continue to put things off until a more favorable moment, whatever that is.
Have you ever had experience with a ruthless deadline? Did it help you get something done? How aobut when you go away on vacation? Doesn't the time before you depart prove to be a time of great accomplishment? Can you replicate a few more of those times, even though you are not going on vacation? Can you use a ruthless deadline to finish a project when no one is forcing you to do so?
Ephesians 5:16 urges you to "make the most of your time." Why not experiment with the ruthless deadline concept this week and then see if you cannot incorporate this principle into your life every now and then to help you achieve the projects God has put in your heart to do. Thanks, and have a blessed week.
KENYA: Even though I am in Kenya, there is still time to give and the needs are great. I can draw the money out via ATM here, so please exercise a ruthless deadline in your giving for I leave Kenya on February 15. You can give using my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can also follow my travel blog while I am here to see that we are putting your contributions to good use.
PURPOSECOACH: I had such a good response to my revived PurposeCoach program that I am extending the special price of $99 for the program through February 28. The program includes some listening, some reading and some connecting time with me and can now be done from anywhere in the world, since everything is digitized and online. You can pay for your PurposeCoach Program via Paypal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8881, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0881. Make the investment in your life today. I am attaching a FAQ sheet concerning PurposeCoach, along with an enrollment application, below.
Do you know when I got most of my applications for PurposeCoach? Right at the deadline of January 31 when the special was to expire. Why is that? People were facing a ruthless deadline and acted! Set yourself a ruthless deadline and tell yourself, "I will be enrolled by week's end" and see if it doesn't help you deal with your procrastination. You know you want your purpose; why not act to be part of PurposeCoach today!