I have noticed that when you set out to fulfill your purpose, something interesting happens. If you make it to purpose, you will be tested as to whether or not you can maintain purpose. Very often this test is financial and what is what I call financial terrorism. If the enemy can't keep you from purpose, he will try to surround your 'city' and starve you out, hoping you will give up and go back. God allows this to happen, for those tough times will empower you for your future success and keep you humble. This economic terrorism is what I like to call a million dollar experience that I would not give ten cents to go through again.
But you may ask if there is any biblical precedent for this 'terrorism'. I believe there is. To see if you agree with me, you will have to read on.
God brought Abraham out of his homeland and promised to give him the land to which God was sending Him. He also promised that Abraham's descendants would be more numerous than the sands on the seashore. I wonder how Abraham knew about seashore sand, unless he had visited the beach during his lifetime? Anyway, I digress.
Abraham pursued his purpose and entered the land that God had promised. A funny thing happened, however, for he had to leave the very land God had given him. Why did he leave? Let's look at what the Bible says: "Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe" (Genesis 12:10).
God gave Abraham the land but then Abraham had to leave it because there was a famine. Abraham had to leave or he would have starved! Why would God allow this to happen? During his departure, Abraham decided to misrepresent his wife Sarah, portraying her as his cousin and not his wife. Part of the reason is so that God could reveal the work that still needed done in Abraham's' life and faith. The other was to teach Abraham to hold on to God's promise and not the circumstances surrounding the promise.
Your own lack during your economic terrorism season will also reveal the real you.
I went through my own economic terrorism in 2001. There were days when I didn't think we were going to make it and survive. I thought about turning aside to a job or some other means of support, but I decided to endure and press on. Today, I am glad I did. What's more, my only regret is that I didn't engage my purpose full time earlier than 2001!
Today I am stronger and have more faith in God than before. I am not intimidated by lack before I set my goals. Famine, survival and economic terrorism taught me a lot about myself and God. I am a better day today not only because of purpose, but because of my lack when I started to move forward.
Are you experiencing economic terrorism of some sort? This isn't an indication you have done something wrong, but something right! Don't panic and trust God. You will live, although there will be times when are you are convinced you will die! When it's over, you will be able to see what God was doing and has done, and you will rejoice. During the famine, it's hard to do that.
Use this time to strengthen your faith and keep your eyes on God. He is in control and won't allow your terrorism to last one day longer than it must. It must take place, however, and its end will bring not only a sigh of relief but a great blessing that God had in mind all along. Have a blessed week!
KENYA: You can read the latest thank you from my most recent visit to Kenya here. When you have read it, you can give using my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can also read my travel blog while I was here to see that we put your contributions to good use. Pictured here are the students at Karen Academy to receive their lunch the day we went there to host a festival for 340 of them.
PURPOSECOACH: I had such a good response to my revived PurposeCoach program that I am extending the special price of $99 for the program through February 28. The program includes some listening, some reading and some connecting time with me and can now be done from anywhere in the world, since everything is digitized and online. You can pay for your PurposeCoach Program via Paypal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8881, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0881. Make the investment in your life today. I am attaching a FAQ sheet concerning PurposeCoach, along with an enrollment application, below. Because I have digitized everything, you can enroll no matter where your geographic righteousness is - in other words, no matter where you live.