Happy New Year! I trust you had a good holiday season. My family and I sure did. Now it's time, however, to turn our attention to a new year of purpose, and I am excited for what the new year holds. Next week I will start a new series on faith and purpose by the title, What You See Is What You Get. For now, let's start the year off as we have the last few - with some new year musings.
- It has been almost one year since I resigned my position at my church. As I reflected on the past year, it was one of new beginnings. I have enjoyed the freedom to schedule and pursue what is in my heart to do, but I have definitely missed the staff interaction
- I started Urban Press last year and we published our first book in November. I am working on five book projects with authors right now, with many more in the wings. Some people have had ideas to write manuscripts for many years. My goal is to help them make their dream a reality. So far, so good.
- In November, I had a great awakening that I needed to do more fundraising, making people aware of my needs. I realized I cannot try to work for money and then come home to pursue writing, publishing and orphan work as a full-time job. When I made my needs known, people contributed and wrote, "We have been wanting to give for a while. Thanks for the opportunity." It reminded me of what my fundraising mentor told me once: "People need to give more than you need to receive."
- If everyone who reads and benefits from these Monday Memos would give at least $5 annually (and some can give more), I would be free to do the work God has called me to do with no financial lack.
- I am excited about my new daily devotional for 2015: Your LIfe Matters: Reflections from the Psalms. You can subscribe to receive it here or read more about its philosophy and content here. This will make the sixth year that I will write and publish a devotional every day.
- I estimate it will require 150-200 hours to produce this year's devotional. If you multiply that by five, I have spent 750-1000 hours in the last five years producing my daily devotionals. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to do so. It is an offering of love.
- Every publisher I have ever met has told me that devotionals don't sell well - and so far, they are correct. Mine don't sell that many copies. I write in faith and publish in faith, however, and I hope my books will outlive me. Therefore I continue to write to give people today and tomorrow an opportunity to have a daily encounter with God's word in what little time they have to do so.
- I am teaching three classes this term - Practical Preaching, the Psalms, and Motivation and Leadership. Teaching continues to be a joy to do.
- I am returning to Kenya in February, 2015 with 14 other people. I hope this year to return to England in the fall. If you or your church would like to sponsor a purpose session in the UK, please let me know.
- I started a new radio show last Saturday and I have sponsors who are paying for this one! That makes five weekly shows I am doing. I will also have a regular television series that shows here locally in Pittsburgh as well as on my Internet tv channel. When I broadcast, I feel God's pleasure.
- We are looking forward to our daughter's wedding on April 11!
That's about it. Remember, I produce these Memos and distribute them free of charge. They are free, but they aren't cheap, for I put a lot of man hours in preparing them. If these Memos have blessed you, I ask that you invest in their distribution. You can give through my website or by sending a tax-deductible contribution to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and may 2015 be all that you want and need it to be - and more!