I am on my way home from Kenya after a great trip with 12 other people. We visited churches, orphanages, community development centers, and touched a lot of people. I distributed thousands of dollars in relief funds to help our partners and we saw firsthand that hard times are ahead for them: the corn crop has failed and there is a serious drought at the moment.
This coming Saturday I depart for Guyana, South America to visit my good friend Pastor Ovid Schultz to help him celebrate his church's anniversary. I need your help to continue doing what I do. I saw firsthand these past two weeks how the purpose message has impacted the people and nation of Kenya. I am humbled and overwhelmed by the testimonies. God now wants me to do the same in Guyana and I am trusting Him as I go. You can contribute to my support online using PayPal or by sending a tax-deductible contribution to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you and now on to this week's Monday Memo.
I return to Guyana this week for my first visit since 1989. That trip in 1989 was my first international venture and it still ranks as one of the most difficult I have ever undertaken. The conditions were not good and I was not an experienced traveler. I made a lot of mistakes on that first trip, one of which was taking chocolate as a snack to a country that is on the equator! Then I tried to rinse off my sticky hands in piranha-infested waters. It was a learning experience but I am looking forward to my return.
A lot has happened in my life since 1989. I started teaching on purpose in 1991. I published my first book in 1995. I started my company PurposeQuest in 2001. Since that trip in 1989, I have logged nearly four million travel miles traveling to many countries. It's been an exhilarating quarter of a century.
In 1989, I actually accompanied another pastor, who was the senior member of our duo. I carried his bags, so to speak, and really didn't have much to say - but I said it 17 times in 17 different churches on that trip. It makes me think of what the Lord said in Zechariah 4:10: "'Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand.' (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that search all around the world.)" (NLT).
If I have made one consistent mistake in my life and ministry, it's that I haven't done something small because I considered it not big enough. I did not give $100 because it wasn't $1,000. I didn't help ten people because it wasn't 100. I didn't come to the aid of one child because it wasn't an entire orphanage full of children. I didn't write one article because it wasn't a book. Little did I know that the trip in 1989 would open my mind and heart to the world. I went and haven't stopped going.
What aren't you doing for the same reason I employed: it doesn't seem big or significant enough? What trip have you been putting off? What poem haven't you written because, well, it's only one poem and who will read it anyway? Where could you have given $5 but that seems like such a paltry sum? What good would that do?
You need to take seriously the words of the Lord through the prophet: "Do not despise these small beginnings." The eyes of the Lord are watching you, not to judge you, but to watch your faithfulness so He can bless it and bring increase. Don't put off another day doing what it is that is in your heart to do, no matter how microscopic it may seem to you. In God's hands your little can become a lot, but only if you offer what little you have and put it in God's hands by doing it. Who knows, your simple trip across the street can lead to a worldwide tour, just like my trip to Guyana did in 1989. And now I am going back to celebrate God's work in my life and help other people start their own work. It just doesn't get any better than that!
NEW TV SHOWS: I posted two new Your PurposeQuest television shows to my online channel this past week and I highly recommend them as resources to help you find your purpose. Enjoy them and pray for us as we have three more shows in the works.
URBAN PRESS: Did you know I started a publishing company to help you and others like you make your creative dream a reality? We currently have five books in the works. If you would like to work with and publish through us, let me know.
GUYANA: Don't forget what I mentioned above. I need your help now that I have finished my work in Kenya and get ready to move on to South America. You can give through my website or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you for your help!