Two weeks ago I began a series on prayer and purpose. This entry is one that I have posted before, but it fits right into what we are talking about. In John 14:12, Jesus made this astounding promise: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
In your opinion, what was the greatest thing that Jesus did? Most people respond that it was when He raised the dead. If that’s true, then what could be a greater work than raising a dead person? Raising more dead people? Clearing out a cemetery or hospital?
Most people don’t think much about this verse because they don’t really believe that they can top what Jesus did, regardless of what they consider His greatest works. When you think like that, however, you miss a dynamic that could greatly help you be more productive.
Jesus did fabulous things but there were some things He didn’t do. Jesus never opened an orphanage. He never wrote a book. As far as we know, He never opened a hospital or organized a group to go on a mission of mercy to a foreign land. He never started a business and never gave a large sum of money to a worthy cause. Why didn’t He do those things? He left them for you and me to do.
Therefore if you believe in Jesus, and I assume you do, why aren’t you doing greater things than He did? Perhaps you have underestimated just how important and powerful it would be to actually achieve the things that are in your heart today. You may also think that only a supernatural miracle would qualify as a greater work. Since you don’t do supernatural miracles, you assumed that John 14:12 was for someone else and you were exempt or disqualified from this tremendous promise.
I have faith in Jesus and I want to do greater works. How about you? If you answer “yes,” then what will you do? Where can you apply your faith so that the results are miraculous? Maybe you will care for AIDS orphans or perhaps you will open a chain of businesses. You can create some educational innovation that will revolutionize the way children learn. You may invent some technique that will make life easier, enriching yourself in the process. Then you'll start foundations like Mr. Kellogg, Mr. Ford or Mr. Rockefeller that will fund humanitarian projects long after you’re gone.
You get my point. You may ask, “Who am I to think about doing those things?” If you believe in Jesus, the answer is, “Who are you not to think like that?” The question you have to settle is whether or not John 14:12 only applies to a select few or to every believer, including you. If it’s for you, then you have some work to do. The good news is that you’re not alone if your work is coupled with faith. With faith, you are guaranteed that your results will be great, greater than you could ever imagine because God is with you.
What have you said someone ought to do? Could that someone be you? Write down in your journal what I call your elegant dream. You don’t have to know how you will do it right now; you just have to know what it is. Let it come out of you in its entirety. Once you write it out, study it. Let it become a part of your thinking every day.
If there's something you can do to make it a reality, what would it be? Do you need to go back to school? How can you make that happen (remember, you must incorporate faith)? Do you need to have money to do achieve your elegant dream? Are you sure that's your greatest need? You could meet someone this week who could help you develop a plan or give you the money for this elegant dream that could eventually qualify as a greater work. You have to be able, however, to articulate that dream, before you can expect anyone to understand it and respond, and that may start with you accepting John 14:12 as possible not just for others but also for you. What are you waiting for? Get moving, and have a great week proving the truth of that mind-boggling promise in John 14.
NEED YOUR HELP: Now that I am home from my March travels, I need your help to continue my work now more than ever. I published three thank you emails from Kenya and soon I will announce plans to establish a library and IT center in Guyana. Read the latest thank you-s and then please give toward my purpose work, either through PayPal on my website or by sending a tax-deductible gift to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you for your generous support.