I was studying and writing in 2014 when a verse in Psalm 105:7 that caught my attention. It's a verse you are probably familiar with, but what struck me is that the verse is an exhortation for you (and I) to publish and broadcast! You may not see it like that, but let me give you a little more background. Here is the verse: "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe” (Psalm 107:2).
Do you have a story? I know you do, for God has done great things for you just as He has for me. That is what's known as your testimony and you are to tell it. One way is to do so in church, but in today's modern church services, where is there time to testify? That means you (and I) must find other ways to tell God's story, or your story about God. That is where publishing, social media, and the like come in. If you know me, you know I don't often use social media for personal things, but I use it every day to 'publish' what God is showing me and what I am learning. I do my best every day to tell my story. What about you?
After I noticed Psalm 107:2, I did a little more research and found two interesting things in Scripture that go along with that verse from Psalms. One is in Deuteronomy 31:19: “Now write down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness for me against them." God instructed Moses to write a song and teach it to Israel. I had never seen that before. The nature of the song was to remind Israel of God's faithfulness in a day when they would go astray, but I had never noticed that God commanded Moses to be creative and write music. Do you have any music in you that needs to be written? That is another way of telling your story.
The second verse I found in my study was in Joshua 18:4: Appoint three men from each tribe. I will send them out to make a survey of the land and to write a description of it, according to the inheritance of each. Then they will return to me." I had never noticed before that God commanded the spies who were sent out to submit their report of what they saw in the Promised Land in writing. Their story was not what God had done but what God was going to do when they entered the Land He was giving them. Part of your story is your faith vision of what is yet to come.
So there you have three reasons to publish, write and create: 1) to tell your story of what God has done for you; 2) to remind you and others of God's faithfulness; 3) to report what you see pertaining to God's purpose and plan for you that is yet to be. I found numerous other passages and I am including them in a document below that you can download, along with a few comments I made concerning some of those passages. Take some time today to read over that document, and then stop putting off the work that God has given you to find a way to tell your story. Thanks, and have a blessed week!
KENYA LIBRARY: The new Kenya library is almost finished, but they need a few last minute items before that can happen. Read the latest update and see how you can help fund this by giving toward the $650 matching grant. You can give using PayPal through my website. Give today before the grant expires!