It's been a while since I wrote about the latest things going on in my life and how they relate to purpose, so let's do that this week. Here goes.
- The publishing company I started in early 2015 is going quite well. We have published about 12 books for other authors under the label Urban Press. My son and I are in business together, and it has proved to be a great experience.
- I am working on eight more publishing projects for other authors. It's interesting that I am serving in essence as a creativity coach so often. It seems that creativity is right behind purpose as people deal with their fears to become all that God wants them to be.
- I have already published three of my own books this year under the label PurposeQuest Ink, and I am working on two more for 2016. One of those two is the 20th anniversary edition of my first book, Life is a Gold Mine: Can You Dig It?, and it will be titled Life is Still a Gold Mine: And I'm Still Digging It! The other is my autobiography. The second one may not see the press until early 2017.
- I just recorded my 11th online TV show, Your PurposeQuest, with one of our Urban Press authors, Emmanuel Ike. You can view the first ten shows, and eventually number 11, on my Vimeo channel. Emmanuel recently wrote Rescued: My Stories of Divine Intervention, which you can purchase on Amazon in Kindle or paper format.
- I stopped doing radio at the start of this year, but have found that my interviewing skills, honed on hundreds of shows since 2009, have helped me in publishing. I am sitting with many authors, interviewing them, transcribing the interviews, and after about eight hours of interviews, we have the raw material for a manuscript! Nothing is wasted in God's work He does in anyone's life.
- It is a biblical concept that I am sitting with people and helping them speak their books into existence. Where is that in the Bible, you may ask? It is in Psalm 45:1: "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."
- This year's trip to Kenya with a team of people was one of my best ever, for many reasons. I had actually considered discontinuing the trips, but I am not thinking about that any longer. The dates for the 2017 trip are March 2-17. Let me know if you are interested in going. I have been posting short videos of my past visits on my YouTube channel. Take a look and see if you can picture yourself in those videos. If you can, then you are supposed to go, and God will provide the resources, as He always does.
- You can subscribe to receive notices of when I post new videos on YouTube. Just go to my channel and click on the red subscribe button.
- One of my Kenya partners is almost finished with a new building to house our library there in the town of Banana. You can read about it, see some pictures, and then contribute toward its completion using PayPal through my website. I am quite excited about this development, for it will provide a model for others to see and emulate throughout Kenya, and then in other parts of Africa!
- My latest book, Unlocking the Power of You, has generated a lot of interest. I never know how people will receive what I write; that's why I write in faith. I don't look to the market; I look to my heart and write about what's there.
- This summer, I am teaching three college courses: African American Literature and Intertestamental History (both undergraduate) and Leadership and Organizational Change (graduate). This week, I begin teaching my third ever online graduate course, Leadership and Decision Making. I am enjoying teaching more and more.
- Last week, I turned 66 years of age. My father retired at 62; there is no thought further from my mind than retiring at this point in time. Purpose is exhilarating and energizing, and I intend to function in purpose until God directs otherwise or until I am physically unable to perform.
- Today, I officiate at the funeral for a 65-year-old relative by marriage. That will serve as a reminder that I am not guaranteed tomorrow; I must make the most of today, for it may be my last day.
I had more to report than I realized when I started, so we will continue with my update next week. In the meantime, I am speaking at a purpose seminar here in Pittsburgh on Saturday afternoon, May 14. If you are interested in attending, please send me an email at [email protected]. I hope to see you then, and I will be back next week, Lord willing, with more updates from my world. Have a blessed week!