Last week, we looked at David's attempt to rescue his wives and possessions that had been taken hostage by a raiding party when David and his men were away. They set out on their mission with only the word of the Lord to proceed, but didn't really know where to go or how they would find their loved ones. On their way, however, they met a young Egyptian servant who had been with the raiding party and knew where they were. After he was promised asylum, he led David's men to the camp they were looking for, and they were able to rescue and reclaim what was theirs.
The lesson is that David found help after he set out to accomplish the goal, not before. The information he needed came to him, but first he had to commit to the journey. Only then did he find the way to success through a miraculous provision. Can you use this lesson in your own purpose journey?
I have encountered people who have a clear mandate and burden to do something. Yet they tell me things like, "I'm praying about it," but they really aren't. Sometimes they tell me, "I don't have the education or training," or "I am not spiritual enough; I have to get this or that fixed in my life before I go and do." Have you ever offered those excuses? Are you employing them now in some aspect of your life, ministry or work?
You may truly need more training or education, and you may need to address a lack or problem in your life. Yet those issues don't disqualify you from doing something today to see God's will furthered in your life. Usually, you can address your issues while you are fulfilling your purpose instead of before even trying to fulfill it. Don't try to figure out all the implications of God's will before you start doing it; start doing it and make your changes and improvements as you go.
Hebrews 11:34-35 states, "Whose weakness was turned to strength, and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies." I thought it interesting that the heroes of the faith didn't wait until they had strength, rather they received strength after they entered the battle. You may be saying to yourself, "If God gives me strength, I'll go and do." Instead God is saying, "If you go and do, I'll give you the strength, wisdom, power, ability, information, money, resources -- whatever it is that you need." If you are waiting to be ready to go before you are ready to go, you may never be ready to go.
Are you procrastinating, delaying the first steps you need to take where your purpose or goals are concerned? What excuses have you come up with that sound logical, which have almost become second nature to you? Are you ready this week to face the truth of why you are delaying? I hope you are, for God knew of your lack and weakness before He gave you the idea or directive. In spite of your lack, He is offering you a chance to fulfill your purpose. Are you ready to stop delaying and to take action? Can you trust God for the provision after you create the need? This week could be the week when you finally stop asking questions and offering excuses. I hope it is and that you have a great week!
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