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August 20, 2017



Hi Dr. J.

You have peaked my interest in Where's your fruit?

Thanks for your great insights and i appreciate your gift of coaching and leading others to greater heights.

With that said, i have a question, could fruit be both a noun and a verb? In other words, we use our fruit for others, but don't we have a mandate from Jesus to abide in the vine and love others the way he loved us, obey his commands and we will bear fruit?

Wouldn't that be a different than using your God given gifts, purposes, to produce something?

Jesus said if we abide in him we will produce fruit, but you said we will produce fruit when we use our gifts, which would you say it is? Or am i misunderstanding, which could be highly likely.

I know i haven't been around in a long time, i have gone through feeling like a failure...for reasons that others feel that way about me, that i am not good enough for them, that i may have failed but didn't God use failures? but it seems others hold that against me.

I paid for an education that no one wants me for, but i guess i deserve their rejection as i am a failure in their eyes.

But don't feel bad for me, God did vinticate me in a comforting way.

God bless you,


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