If you are like me, you play Christmas music at this time of year. Many of those songs share truths about our Lord Jesus and His mission that add significance to His nativity. I have to confess, however, that there are a few songs that don't move me, and one of them is Little Drummer Boy. It was my father's favorite, but my mother would complain every time he increased the volume to hear it. I sided with my mother and usually change the station when it plays. Yet recently when I heard it, I discovered a purpose message in it that is relevant for both you and me. Let's see what the little drummer boy has to say about purpose, shall we?
The song portrays a young lad who encounters the holy family and the baby Jesus but alas, the young boy has nothing to give that can match the size or value of the gifts that the Wise Men had already bestowed on Jesus. He was intimidated and basically said, "I have nothing to give, nothing I can do, except play this drum." Yet the boy decided that this was enough so, with Mary's permission, he played his drum for the baby Jesus -- according to the song, not the Bible.
The song ends with the baby Jesus smiling at the little drummer boy.
The lesson is so clear that I don't know why I didn't see it before. The boy only had to give what he had and express the gift that God had given him to be pleasing to the Lord, and that's all you have to do, too. You don't have to dream of winning the lottery to give a big gift, or to be someone you are not. You just have to be who God made you to be and express that real you. When you do that, you have given God a gift in response to the gift(s) He has given you. You honor God when you honor your purpose, when you say, "If God saw fit to make this like and give me this talent, purpose and gift, then I am going to express it to the world for the glory of God."
As we approach the end another year and begin a new one, I trust you will make up your mind to do what the little drummer boy did. Don't minimize or denigrate your gift or purpose and don't compare it to the gifts of another. Overcome your fear and hesitation to draw attention to yourself and then express who you are for the world to see.
As I look back on 2017, it was a year I "played my drum" for Jesus by writing, writing, and then writing some more. I was more of who I am this past year than any year prior, and I intend, by God's grace, to be more of who I am in 2018 than I was this past year. I invite you to join me so that together Jesus won't hear one drum, but a symphony of purpose being played just for Him.
KENYA CHRISTMAS: The orphans in Kenya need your help this Christmas. Read my latest update and then give as your heart tells you to do, either through my website using PayPal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. Thank you!