« 962: Taking Thoughts Captive | Main | Memo 964: How to Build a Strong Stronghold »

August 09, 2020


Ed Stiller

Thank you for your thoughts on this Pastor John. I've been very aware for awhile now that taking every thought captive to obey Christ is vital. It's a constant battle, but I really think this is the key to survival!

John Stanko

Yes, it sounds silly that we must be taught how to think, but there are some things we must unlearn so we can learn to use our brains as God intended. I have put this series off for way too long because, well, you guessed it -- FEAR.

Do I have time to do it? How will I do it? Can i take what I consider some more complex concepts and share them simply and clearly? I guess the time has come. Thanks for the feedback.

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