I need one more week to finish our look at the miracles called the feeding of the multitude or the loaves and fishes. Our objective in this series is to learn where and how our thinking has put limitations on God and ourselves as His servants. After Jesus had fed the crowd and the leaders confronted Him to demand a sign from heaven, we read this story:
When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” They discussed this among themselves and said, “It is because we didn’t bring any bread. Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? How is it you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew 16:5-12).
Let's unpack this passage to see what we can learn to help us in our study of the limitations our thinking can have where the things of God are concerned.
Jesus had just had another tense encounter with the Jews and left them to get into the boat with His team. His mind was on the discussion He had just had so He warned the men to be careful and on guard against "the yeast" of their leaders. What is yeast? It is something small you introduce into bread dough that causes a reaction so the dough will rise or increase. Leaven is always negative when used in the Bible and often represents sin or an unhealthy influence. Jesus was warning His followers to avoid anything that could enter their being and cause a negative reaction or ungodly conclusion. What was that in this case? It was the bad teaching or thinking of their leaders.
Unfortunately, Jesus' mind was on one topic, but the disciples had their minds on something else: lunch. They had forgotten to bring bread so even though Jesus had just taken a little and fed thousands, they were preoccupied with what was important to them and not Him in the moment. Despite the fact that God Himself was speaking to them, they did not and could not comprehend what He was saying because they were distracted by their own thoughts. If that happened to them, I assure you it can happen to us.
Notice the difference between how Jesus responded to the leaders and how He responded to the men. He took His time to explain what He was trying to say after a gentle rebuke, while He played hide-and-seek with the leaders, refusing to give them a direct answer. That is good news for you and me, for we desperately need Jesus' insight and patience if we are going to unlock the power of our thinking by removing our preconceived notions of what we think we know or what we think He said.
The good news is that God wants you to have clarity of thought and understanding, but it's not always easy to obtain. For that to happen, you must surrender your infatuation with or absorption in three things:
- Your provision. When God speaks to you, it is difficult not to jump to how questions: How will this work out? How will I get paid? What should I do? God will show you what to do but He has made one thing clear: He can and will provide for you regardless of where you are or what He asks you to do. Remember your past so you can have confidence today.
- Your future. The disciples were concerned they would not have the provisions they needed for where they were headed. God will be on the other side of your lake no matter where He is taking you. See point number one and again, remember your past.
- Your beliefs. The fact that Jesus was warning them about teaching they had heard all their lives meant they had been infected with a spiritual virus that had impacted all their "files." It was important for them to examine what they believed, why they believed it, and then upgrade their software and remove anything inconsistent with His teaching. I have a pastor once say to put your conclusions on a bulletin board and not in concrete, for then it is much easier to remove and replace them.
The last item may be the most difficult of all, for it may require you either to unlearn what you heard that was not quite right or to correct how you received what was right until you turned into something it was not meant to be. For example, you could have heard a teaching point that you need to "give it to the Lord." You heard that but assumed it meant you must do nothing and God will do everything in regards to your life situations. That was not bad advice, but you misapplied it and now must go back and unlearn and relearn what God meant when He said it.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough that if the disciples misunderstood Jesus and He was talking to them face to face, then you have misunderstood God even though the Spirit lives in you. That does not mean you are all wrong: far from it. It means that God is with you, like He was with the men in the boat, to steer your thoughts to the right conclusion but only if you allow Him to do so. The only thing required of you is that you submit your thoughts to Him and be open to adjustment, whether slight or drastic. If you will do that, you will have unlocked the power of your thinking because you refused to stubbornly hold on to any conclusion but joyfully submitted it to the Master's inspection for approval or correction. Have a blessed week.