First of all, thank you for your response to the matching challenge grant from last week. I am pleased to announce that we met and slightly exceeded the $750, for which I am grateful. But now, where do we go from here? I had several people say they had wanted to contribute for a while, and this gave them the incentive to do so. The new challenge is: how can people contribute to my work without the push or incentive of a crisis or matching grant? Let's turn our attention to that topic for this week's Memo.
I was giving some thought to what I would do if I had the financial resources to do them. Here is a list of 'I woulds' if I had the money:
- do more media.
- write and publish more.
- work in Africa.
- help orphans and widows in Africa.
- spread the purpose message all over the world.
- help people publish their creative works.
- speak in churches and counsel with people who cannot afford my services.
- develop myself in to the best purpose coach possible.
- teach, preach and broadcast.
When I made my list, I realized that I am already doing those things. If I had more resources, I would do even more of what I am already doing. Any less resources and I would have to divert time to a paying job that would take me away from what I do best: Equip you and others for purpose! Here are some examples:
- I just helped a woman publish her devotional. I 'lost money' on the deal but I saw her last night and how excited she is. I know what that book means to her and what it will do for her (and for others), so I have no regrets.
- I have two requests from Zimbabwe to help publish what I consider to be excellent works. I am glad and willing to do that, but can I afford to do that? Can those who have the means help me work with and publish those who don't have the means but have the message?
- I recently spoke in a church on Sunday and they gave me a token offering. I don't care about the size, for I know God evaluates a gift not by the amount given but by the amount left after the gift. I know for that church, it was a generous gift. I preached like I was before 10,000 people because I love it and because it's God's will for me to do so.
- I just posted two thank you letters from orphans in Kenya who have been saved from street life and abuse through God's grace as it is expressed through my ministry. It is my contribution toward racial reconciliation in another country, as I continue to devote myself to reconciliation here in the United States. The recent events in the U.S. indicate we have much work to do in that area.
- I have started a television show on a local community station. I also have a Saturday radio show for which I pay $100 per show. I invite people on the show to talk about purpose and watch them leave exhilarated and encouraged. I want to - no, I will - continue to do that. Truth be told, I want to expand my capability to do that.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea that I need your help.
AND NOW . . .
And now I am asking you to remember me and to sow into the purpose message as the year ends. I have three people who have committed to send $100 per month for 2015. I am forming a Hundred Club for you to join and make the same commitment of $100 per month. Perhaps you cannot do that, but please don't do a 'little' because you cannot do a 'lot.' A gift in any amount - one-time or ongoing - will help publish, broadcast, and spread the purpose gospel.
If you have benefitted from these Memos or the purpose message, I appeal to you to act now and sow into me and the message so that it can touch and bless others. If you have been moved by my work in Kenya, then it's time to stop being a spectator and become a participant.
The year end is a time when many people give and make their giving plans for 2015. I am asking that you remember PurposeQuest in both. You can give now to my direct support using PayPal or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. You can give to the orphans and widows through my website or by using the same postal address. If you can commit to be part of the Hundred Club, send me an email and let me know.
I promise to put your funds to productive use that will bear fruit all over the world. Perhaps you have some other idea for how my message and experience can be put to good use in your world. Thank you for considering my request and have a blessed Advent season as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
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